Day 7
A picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
One of the greatest experiences of my life was my "internship" with Lyn. She found me and asked me to come help her with what started out as one show. One show quickly turned into a full blown adventure ranging from photography, to promotion, managing, to down right babysitting some of the musicians. I would not trade any of those sleepless nights, rowdy drunk fan encounters, psycho bar managers, or the just down right strange for anything. She taught me so much about the industry, business, and just life in general. I still feel my heart calling me to go back into the music industry, and I'm honestly just waiting for the right opportunity to knock on my door and I will pack up my bags and be there in a heartbeat. The people that I've had the opportunity to meet and consider my friends as well the experiences that I've been privileged to be a part of are things I will forever cherish.
Road Managing for Jason Coley to a sold out house when he opened for Luke Bryan
Spending my 21st Birthday with Ken Block and Sister Hazel on their bus after their show
Filming Brantley's first full production video"Kick it in the sticks" in Athens which would later be on video rotation on CMT

All the many, many nights and days I spent with this crazy kid ranging from road trips, almost getting arrested, and the "almost" brawls
watching this sweet boy's albums come together from conversations that turned into songs, which turned into demos, which turned into albums that are now in stores all across the freaking country. It's crazy seeing this kid that I consider a friend on my TV and hearing him on my radio. There is still not a thing I wouldn't do for him. This was actually the night that Modern Day Prodigal's son FIRST hit shelves at Walmart, we went to see it on the shelves for our own eyes and to celebrate everyone's hard work.
Other Artists include by are not limieted to: Jake Owen, Darius Rucker, Jamey Johnson, Bo Bice, The Lacs, Edwin McCain, John Anderson, John Michael Montgomery, Josh Gracin, Nappy Roots, Bubba Sparxx, Justin Moore, Corey Smith, Brian Davis, Daniel Lee Band, Tyler Hammond, Lance Stinson
Day 8
Short term goals for this month and why
- Open up a bank account specifically designated as a wedding or down payment on a house savings pool
This will give me incentive to not spend the extra money that I manage to put back. If I see money laying around, my mind instantly thinks "oh, I can buy clothes with this" Not a good.
- File my taxes
If I get it done now, before busy season, I'll be able to ask one of my coworkers to double check it and make sure I get my maximum refund
- Complete a hard core apartment deep cleaning
I mean, HELLO?
- Complete my labsim networking course
I want to brush up some things I studied in college so that I can be better at my job. I know this sounds incredibly nerdy and lame, but I am all of those things and more.
- Get a hair cut.. maybe even a new style?
So if you have any suggestions, this girl is all ears to something new or different in the hair department
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