June 17, 2014

{I'm Guest Posting Today}

While Lauren is away enjoying her honeymoon, I'm in charge today over at Peach State of Mind. So come on over and join in on the party ;)


  1. I loved your guest post! And your blog design is too cute!!


  2. Hey Megan! I just saw your guest post on Peach State of Mind and thought I'd stop over :) I just moved to South Carolina from Connecticut and am loving following some Southern bloggers! Oh, and I'm a Meg(h)an too ;)

    Meg @ www.myborrowedheaven.blogspot.com

  3. Ohhh .. thanks. By the way, I want to share with you a page of dreamy music listening and updating new and best song, synthesized lyrics the fastest:
    >>> https://songlyricsaz.mobi/as-long-as-i-got-you-lyrics-16766.html
    >>> https://songlyricsaz.mobi/silver-spoon-lyrics-16765.html
