My name is Megan, and I'm the guide to this blog/incredible journey, I've been really busy lately, and I know it's time for me to apologize for being a horrible narrator lately.
My life is simultaneous in the best place it's ever been and also in the most unsure place it's ever been before. Billy has without a doubt boosted me past cloud 9 and into some incredible breathtaking wonderland.
I spent the weekend with a guy many, many people idolize, fantasize about, and would consider famous. I just consider him another guy, a friend, and confidant. Girls would kill to trade places with me, I would put up a fight for that boy too. We were together for the entire day, and eventually he started revealing things to me that I never dreamed were really real. I won't ever repeat the things he confessed to me and shared, because I treasure his faith and trust in me and refuse to jeopardize it. However, I will say his openness really has increased my worry for him as well as, in my opinion, take my feelings for him past our working relationship, and into one that is more personal, and making the situation a lot more harder to not get attached too.. I'm really thankful Billy is comfortable enough to let me spend time with him, listen to him, and help him through his tougher times. After experiencing this weekend with my friend, I wouldn't trade those moments for anything.
The things this friend shared with me, opened my eyes to a world I didn't think was real, to a life that most don't believe exist after the lights of the bar go off at night and he hops on his bus. People forget he's a real man, with a real life, with real emotions, and real issues just as we all are. My heart is breaking for him, my mind is thinking for him. I still cannot completely grasp some of the things that I learned this weekend. It probably won't ever make sense, because I won't have anyone else's thoughts to help me process it all.. none the less, point being: I'm so confused, and my mind keeps going back still trying to process it all. I am sincerely worried for the well being of my friend, but I have full faith that he's trying his hardest for himself.
He also taught me not to judge a book by it's cover. This is probably the most vital lesson he taught me, and the one that I'm still finding myself catching myself and remember not to judge people until I know them or I have a better grasp of what is going on with their life.
On another note, things in my life are going smoothly. Summer classes have started, and I actually rather enjoy it. I'm a nerd though, so that shouldn't matter. My boyfriend is still the light of my life, and we're going on 5 of the most wonderful months of my life. I've never felt so lucky and blessed before. I owe God a few extra church visits for him. I know this is going to be ending rather abruptly, but I have to get off to that summer class I just mentioned.