I want to devote time, money, energy to 4 different groups of people and/or organizations in some way. As I was thinking who I wanted to help, I couldn't decide which meant more to me and would be most rewarding.
First, the To Write Love On Her Arms organization. In their purpose is to inspire and instill hope in those, especially teens, fighting addiction, depression, self-injury, and suicide. "two out of three peopel who struggle with depression enver seek help, and untreated depression is the leading
cause of suicide. In america Alone, it is estimated that 19 million people live with depression, and suicide is the third-leading cause of death among those 18-24 years old." It's astonishing. We really never take the time to listen to those who may really need us--sometimes that's all it takes. This purpose is one that I want to help, because I've been in those low places before, and I know sometimes all it takes is a little tender loving care. I may not be able to influence someone personally, but I can make a difference somehow. With as high statistics as these, it's impossible not to come in contact with someone suffering. Even if it's simply putting a smile on someones face for a day, it's a difference I made in someone's day.
Yesterday, I spent the day taking my grandparents on a day trip. My grandfather suffers with Alzheimers. It's depressing, not being remembered, but seeing my grandmother hurt more than he is--emotionally, physically, mentally. He's like an over sized child that you must respect. For most they are hurt more of being forgotten, I'm long over that. I want to help her by giving her an extra hand and support beacon. Maybe I could spend time with patients themselves and more importantly, my grandfather.
Lastly, and probably most strange, I want to put a smile on strangers faces. Ask anyone, at first sight, my default look is not one that many find heartwarming. Most assume I'm a bitch or I am pissed because of my "swagger." Last night, while I was reading MakesYouThink.com I saw where people were moved just by little everyday things people do that were not asked for, unexpected, but totally appreciated. Little do we realize how saying "You looking great" can really turn someones day around. I want to make an effort to brighten up a strangers day for no reason except to say "I impacted someon's life and made the world a better place" yeah, it sounds a little beauty pageant-esq but I believe in fairy tales and dreams do afterall come true.